This month the new issue of Perlen Poesie, Number 8, is out! I love it, what about you? In that issue:
• Bead-Pop-Art. Suzanne Golden: Large beads in bold colors - Suzanne creates pure eye-catchers. Read about this artist and admire her fabulous designs;
• Weben mit Rahmen. Gisela Hoffmann: One of the few German artists who is very successful in her range but not well known. Meet this outstanding loom and off-loom bead artist and create her loomwork bag "Hana-Bi";
• New outfits for beads. Refinements & Finishes: Beads do not only convince because of shape and color but also because of further finishes. Selected beads and their special definitions;
• Beadwork-Engineer. Martina Nagele: She plans everything precisely before she starts working; this is the way she works. The results speak for themselves!
• And of course 14 new incredible instructions!
The magazine is published in Germany by Beaders Best Verlag Company, you can subscribe it. If you live in the USA, you can directly or via Internet buy single issues of the magazine at the Beads by Blanche bead shop.
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